Rick Beato has recently become a kind of cassandra in today's rock and pop music. Relentlessly he analyses and destroys the plastic pop music that we get to hear more and more often. In today's video he demonstrates the "capabilities" of AI-generated music.
What does this mean for the countless committed musicians struggling for creativity, working hard and with a lot of passion on their own songs in writing and performing?

Regarding the commercial perspectives in radio, web and streaming most likely no sunny days. Cheap AI-generated muzak will sooner or later chew off more and more of the cake - because it costs the industry next to nothing. 

But here's the other side of the coin: I deeply believe that this stupid, fatal, pc-wannabe-intelligent beast will make live music become more and more precious. Whoever is presented humanoid digital pop day-in, day-out will find it the more impressive to see real humans on real stages play real instruments. Including all the mistakes, intonation errors, bpm variations that always come with it.
Why would the manufacturers have spent years on reproducing these inconsistencies? Drum machines with "human factor"-features (aka tempo deviations), guitar- and piano-simulations just a tad out of tune, because "it sounds more realistic" - all this screams: nothing beats the real thing!

SOUTHLAND STATION, like all other bands on this world, will never play as perfectly as an AI-generated recording of an AI-generated song. And that's why live music is the real thing. The singular event. Authentic. Ever changing, always different. Unique. Live.

Music that is handmade and heartfelt. 

Fuck AI.